Flyers 'should be linked to other communication channels'

Firms that use flyer printing should integrate this strategy with other communication channels, it has been claimed.

Companies that use direct mail - such as flyer printing - ought to closely link this to other marketing channels, according to one source.

David Henkel stated in a piece for 1to1 Media direct mail has long been a key aspect of a marketing campaign, but sometimes loses the attention it deserves in today's age of digital communications.

Firms that are becoming over excited by social media and personalised websites ought to take a step back and reassess their strategy, he said.

Despite recent technological developments, "integration is still the key to an effective marketing plan", Mr Henkel explained, because "any marketing channel loses its effectiveness when deployed by itself".

One way of combining direct mail with other mediums is the use of quick response codes, he suggested, as consumers can scan these barcodes on materials such as flyers using their smartphones and be immediately redirected to online content.

Similarly, Christopher Hosford wrote in BtoB magazine recently that social media should be blended into direct mail campaigns.

Published: 3rd November 2010

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